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Cycling and running

Cycling and running

It is worth first worth noting that the Parkland Walk has never been officially designated a public right of way. How the path is used is therefore at the discretion of the council. This is a busy thoroughfare and all users need to look out for each other and take responsibility.

The Parkland Walk is not a cycleway even though you may come across maps made by cycling organisations that promote it as such. The Parkland Walk is used by many people and the well being and safety of all users is paramount. It is important that cyclists ride with consideration of the dangers associated with a busy area that has no defined areas for pedestrians or cyclists. Young children may be running around and will not be looking out for others. Equally dogs, whether on or off the lead, can easily run into the path of bikes or be startled. The path can get congested and it is not always easy to move out of the way. 

The problems runners face will be similar to those of cyclists. Please remember this path is for everyone and be courteous and considerate. If attaining record times is important to you, then the Parkland Walk is not the place to run. Please be prepared to give way to others if necessary and be patient with the elderly and those who are out for a leisurely stroll. Also, do keep a close eye on the ground. The path is course in places and there may be trip hazards such as protruding rocks or stumps. The edges of the path are also extremely slippery so take care.