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The UK has lost 95% of it’s ponds over the last century and with it, a vast array of some of the most beautiful insects such as dragonflies and damselflies. All living things need water and a pond is a focus for wildlife.

The pond at the Wildlife Trail was attracting damselflies within weeks. Now its a regular occurrence in summer months to see both damselflies and dragonflies mating and egg laying on and around the water.

The best thing you can do in a garden to reinvigorate biodiversity and attract insects and pollinators is to introduce a pond, even something as small as a washing up bowl. A mini solar powered oxygenating pump, bubbling away in the sunshine will keep the water from going stagnant and you’ll be delighted at the interest shown by wildlife.

Dragonfly larval husks

Dragonfly larvae climb out of the pond before exiting the larval husk and finding a sunny spot to dry their wings.