The Friends of the Parkland Walk was originally established to fight proposals for the former railway land to be developed as a dual carriageway. Although the Friends have subsequently expanded their work into nature conservation and providing guided walks, campaigning on behalf of the Nature Reserve remains a key mission of the organisation.
As the Friends are a stakeholder group, the Council has a duty to inform of us of any planning applications that may impact on the Parkland Walk. The committee look closely at all applications and where we consider impact to be non-existent or negligible, no action is taken. Where we consider an application does have implications for the Walk, the Nature Reserve or users of the Walk, the committee will act on behalf of the Parkland Walk and its users in line with its mission statement.
The Friends also conduct regular boundary walks to ensure that residents do not attempt to poach land by extending their garden boundaries and also have regular meetings with the Council Parks Department to monitor progress on a number of cases.
Occasionally the council does not inform us of planning applications. If you are aware of one that is on the boundary of the Parkland Walk, please do drop us a line.